Friday, July 20, 2018

Shady? How Shady, Very Shady.

I have been in and out of Shady Grove Hospital four times in two weeks.

As a diabetic (type 1) I am very familiar with hospitals and residential care facilities. So when I have a physical problem with diabetes, this can lead to schizophrenia, and then you get both at once. It is very important that the medical problem be dealt with first, treating the schizophrenia instead of dealing with the medical problem, could, and in fact did, put me in life-threatening situations.

Every few years I get into a situation where my blood sugar gets very high, and no amount of insulin will bring it down, then after a few days, all the insulin hits at once, and I go into a potentially fatal crisis. So I checked into my nearest hospital, so that I would have the crisis in a situation where immediate medical attention is available.

So, imagine my distress when my friends, no doubt believing they were operating in my best interests, but lying to Doctors, so that I can be admitted to a psych ward is an incredibly dangerous tactic, and would have, of course been vetoed by me, if my friends had thought to discuss the matter with me before employing the bizarre, dangerous and extremely unpleasant tactic.

So I check into the hospital, by ambulance this time, and I start to receive some medical attention, until Louise called and told the doctor I was threatening to kill people on my blog. You are reading my blog, so you can easily check what is written there, the doctor did not check my blog, and put me out of the hospital. So I had another crisis, at home, where no medical attention is available. I checked back into the hospital (see Some Idiot pretending to be a doctor).

Cast out again, and with several hours of walking in hot, muggy weather. The end result of that trip, followed by another health crisis, again outside the hospital.

My friends insist that I go back to the hospital immediately. But this time, while I am being examined in A&E, my friends pile on the lies, to make sure that I get on the psych ward, because they don’t realize you get mental health care OR medical care, but not both. The psych ward people don’t listen to what the patients say (they are regarded as non- rational, and so ignored). This put me in great danger, and also removed my phone. As a result I came as close to death as I have ever been, and that is a lot closer than most people would survive. I am a bit more mentally agile than most people, and even so…

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Some Idiot Pretending to be a Doctor

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

I am in the Shady Grove Hospital waiting room with Ashley. There are a lot of people waiting, and some of them are in great distress, one woman in particular, with her two adult children and her husband, was clearly in great distress.

Me and Ashley gave the place the best AA has to offer. Everyone around us got benefits. The couple with the three year old, who was staring to get rambunctious, were delighted by story-time featuring some Princess with exactly the same name as the little girl, and a dinosaur, and Prince Charming and happily ever after and all that good stuff – I just threw in whatever was lying around in the storybook part of my brain. She loved it.

Ashley meanwhile was distributing blankets to the shivering patients. The very sick woman said to me, you know the sound of your voice is making me feel better. So I called Ashley (at my house picking up the wrong phone charger) and I asked her to bring my I Ching.  Anyway, the point is, you read passages from the book aloud. I have been doing this since 1980. I have actually made a living, doing just this, but that was only possible because of special circumstances. I asked her son to text me her room number, when she finally got one, so I could visit and do a reading for her.

The nurse arrived and announced my name. I said “you are not taking me before her. I absolutely refuse to be taken before her. Her husband shed a few tears as he mouthed the Thank-You. No worries mate.

That put me at the back of the line, not next, but last. One good turn deserves another, I guess.

When they finally called me, they didn’t put me in room. The Doctor performed no tests, was very abusive and insulting, gave me a sandwich – said that was all I needed and threw me out of the Hospital at 4:00 am. (He waited for Ashley to leave so he could be sure I was well and truly punished for my crimes in the waiting room) It took me six hours to walk home. I walked for an hour, got lost, went back to the hospital, got directions. The directions were insufficient – My phone was dead, so I couldn’t get a map. So I turned around, went back to the Hospital, and this time got proper directions (delivered as if it were my fault the first directions were inadequate) and then I walked home.

Not the best start to a day.

It gets a lot lot worse.

More later.